In the old days you needed an ad agency to get yourself a TV ad.
Not anymore.
We set up THE TV WORKS in response to the widespread practice of companies taking charge of their own creative output and bringing their creative work in-house.
The typical marketing department of 2023 has a studio with sophisticated skills but typically built around the day to day needs of website and digital content, sales promotions, point of sale, literature, CRM and eCRM.
However we found that some might need support when it comes to writing and executing television commercials.
It might look easy but it takes experience. THE TV WORKS offers advertisers that experience.
As our client you have a more direct relationship with the people responsible for your TV commercial and our overheads are lower than those of a conventional ad agency.
a sensible approach
Our objective is to make you a commercial that delivers against the brief, as cost effectively as possible. This could mean writing the script to achieve maximum use of library footage, or a very simple product shoot, animation, typography, or any combination of those techniques.
As long as the production values are right, effective communication does not necessarily require an expensively made commercial.
Not only can we write and produce your commercial efficiently, but THE TV WORKS takes care of legal compliance, approvals within the code, and ensuring that production quality is of the required standard.
Why risk media money behind a television ad that hasn’t been created by people with blue chip experience of the medium and how it works?
So, whether it’s a brief for a new strategy or a need to simply execute an existing campaign idea, we help you get your TV commercial made.
Using TV in the most cost effective way
Clients coming into the TV market for the first time have some tough decisions to make: the entry price of media can be quite significant and production is an additional sunk cost.
A good media agency will help find packages of airtime or even programme sponsorship opportunities that can significantly reduce the scale of the investment.
The TV Works is used to working with first time and cost conscious advertisers who need to be able to take advantage of the medium of television but keeping costs to the minimum.